Buying in bulk can save you a lot of money. But have you ever bought in bulk once, loved the price and then went back to buy it again and were disappointed?
It wasn’t long ago that I started buying in bulk, and I think the first time I bought, I was lucky. It was on sale that week, and I was super-excited to find it cheaper in the bulk section than in dented and discount grocery stores! Then when I went to buy it again, thinking it would always be the same price, I was disappointed to see the price had changed. But at that point, I needed it, and had to buy it. I have experienced this with both raisins and quick oats.
Quick oats for example are typically around $.89/lb. However, this week at Martin’s in Ephrata, Quick Oats are on sale for $.49/lb! This is a great deal! Even if you do RiteAid or drugstore deals, you are lucky to find a 1lb container of Quaker Quick Oats for less than $1.
I have found it helpful to check prices of each bulk sections when I am at stores like Glennwood, Sharp Shopper, Martin’s, Yoder’s, etc. I keep a mental note until I get home and then check my notes to see what the last price I paid was. Also, if you shop at Martin’s in Ephrata, watch your Shopping News. Every now and then they offer a special coupon in their weekly ad to save on bulk food purchases.
Katyana says
Im looking to buy oats in bulk to ship to haiti. Please can you help? Thank you!
Kathy says
Maybe try going to a local bulk food store (Glennwood, Sharp Shopper, Martin’s Country Market, Yoder’s) and ask the bulk department what they can help you with?