Is it worth it to print coupons? I think this is an opinion question. Everyone will see it differently. But for me, the answer is YES!!!
1. I get things for FREE, that I wouldn’t buy.
For me, these are things like snack bars, chips, nail polish, name brand hair products, and so on. They are often things that are nice to have on hand, but I would otherwise be too frugal minded to have them.
2. I get stuff for FREE, that I needed to buy.
The new Walmart coupon policy, that allows for overage, is a perfect example of this! Like the time I used the overage from Bengay coupons to buy my son swim floaties!
3. It fulfills a personal passion.
I LOVE getting good deals and saving money with coupons. We all need these passions in life to be invested in and to get excited about. It makes my day to find canned fruit for $.11 a can, and to have Walmart pay me $.50 to buy half a dozen items!!
4. I can show that I save A LOT.
According to, our grocery budget is about 48% of the national average! That is quite a savings. I am still shocked that we spend almost twice as much on gas as we do on groceries!
Technically, one could argue that I would spend the same amount if I only shopped at discount grocery stores. And they are probably right. I did this for our first year of marriage, and it was true for the most part. So again, it comes down to a matter of preference and opinion.
It does cost me to buy ink, maybe more so than other families who don’t print coupons. Next week, I will give tips on making the most of your ink!