Pick your own cherries usually starts about mid-June around the 15th to the 20th. Sweet cherries are typically ready to pick first, and then soon after, tart cherries (for your pies!) are ready to pick.
Here are the top places to pick your own cherries in and around Lancaster County, along with a pricing guide.
Pick Your Own Cherries in Lancaster County
(400 Long Lane, Lancaster)
This is probably the most popular place in Lancaster for cherry picking. Both sweet and tart cherries are part of the pick your own usually. I called on Monday, June 15, 2020 and they said they will open in about 5-7 days. They lost about 70% of the crop this year due to late frost so they expect pricing will be higher.
Price. Please see note above about pricing. Last year's pricing was: $3/lb for 1-10lbs, 11lb+ the price drops to $2.50/lb
Hours. Monday-Friday (7am to 7pm) and Saturday (7am to 4pm)
Phone. (717) 872-9311
(51 Cocalico Creek Road, Ephrata)
They are picking cherries already as of June 15, 2020!! See their Facebook post for details on which cherries to pick and what to look for. The season starts with Rainier cherries, and ends with Hedelfingen. Both are sweet cherries.
Price. $4/quart
Hours. Monday-Saturday (8am to 8pm, or check their Facebook in case they close early)
(383 Springville Road, New Holland)
Starting Monday, June 22, 2020 at 7am. Pick your own cherries are only $1.75/lb. Please call 717-354-7228. Market is open Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm, Friday 8am-6pm and Saturdays 8am-5pm.
(2101 Kissel Hill Road, Lititz)
Kissel Hill has over 150 cherry trees. Both tart and sweet cherries are available for pick your own, however in 2020, due to a late freeze sweet cherries PYO will not be available. PYO sour cherries will start on June 20, 2020. They also have chicken BBQ every Saturday starting at 10am. Might as well have lunch ready for you so you can focus on making that cherry pie afterwards.
Price. $1.50/lb for tart cherries and $2.50/lb for sweet cherries. Not sure if these prices will be in 2020 or not, but it is what they were in past years.
Hours. Mon-Fri (7am to 7pm), Sat. (7am-4pm). Their market is open 9-6pm and 9-4pm on Saturdays.
(Fairview Road, Lititz)
Opens approximately the last week of June. Their trees are small so no ladders are needed. Please call 717.626.4465. Located at the corner of Clay and W. Fairview Roads. Sweet and sour cherries available. Dark sweet available as of 6/20/17, and there are "tons of pickin'"!
Hours. Monday-Friday 8am-7pm, Saturdays 8am-4pm.Price. I HAVE NOT YET RECEIVED UPDATED 2020 PRICES. In previous years: Less than 20 pounds is $1.90/lb, from 20-75 pounds is $1.65/lb.
(Morgantown, PA)
Weaver's is located just outside of Lancaster County on the eastern side, and is a very popular place for picking any fresh fruit or foods. Definitely worth checking out! Expecting to start limited picking of sweet cherries around June 19. Peak picking June 24- July 4
Hours. Monday-Friday, (8am to 6pm), Saturdays (8am to 4pm). Closed Sundays.
Price. Yet to be determined.
(Loganville, PA)
Will NOT be open in 2020 for pick your own. They will have sweet cherries available in their market though.
Hours. Monday-Saturday 8-7 pm; Sun 8-5 pm.Price. Yet to be determined.
Marlin Lauver Orchard
Located across from Maple Grove Racetrack in Morgantown area. They have both sweet and sour cherries for picking around the middle of June, roughly Father's Day weekend. They do not take credit card.
Sweet Cherries. $1.99/lb for 0-10 pounds, $1.85/lb for 10-25 pounds, $1.70/lb for 25-50 pounds, $1.60/lb for 50-75 pounds, $1.50/lb for 75-100 pounds.
Sour Cherries. $1.70/lb for 0-10 pounds, $1.60/lb for 10-25 pounds, $1.50/lb for 25-50 pounds, $1.40/lb for 50-75 pounds, $1.30/lb for 75-100 pounds.
Here’s the Google Map for Pick-Your-Own Cherries in Lancaster County.