Have you ever been to That Fish Place, That Pet Place in Lancaster? If not, you’ve likely heard other parents talking about it and have it on your field trip idea list. If it’s not on your list of places to go, let me show you why it should be!
Why is this place so great? It is almost like visiting a free indoor zoo or aquarium! There are tons of animals and fish for kids to see and looking at on rainy days, winter days or even hot summer days since its all air-conditioned. And the best part is—it’s FREE!
When you first walk in the door, you’ll find the small animals and reptile room on your right. We always go there first. You’ll see a giant bunny that is the store’s pet, as well as smaller rabbits, mice, hamsters and guinea pigs you can buy.
We thought this little mouse was the only one in there. Then we saw something else moving and before we knew it, we realized there was three of them sleeping inside this little hut—as they each popped their head out one by one!
You’ll also discover turtles, amphibians, and snakes. This dart frog was so small and cute. It’s fun to play a game of “I SPY” with your kiddos, as they are sometimes hard to spot in the terrariums.
Next we usually head over to the fish room, but we often have to stop at the big bear first to get a photo!
And if you stop at the bear you’ll likely also stop at the stingrays. Please note that you can touch the sting rays, which I’ll tell you about at the end of this post—saving the best for last!
In the fish room you’ll find tons of amazing fish to look at. You could easily spend a good half hour or more in this area. Just check out these photos of what we saw!
And my preschoolers favorite was when he found Nemo! Or so he said.
In the rest of the store you’ll find a room with cats as well as a bird aviary. It was hard to get good photos of this, but in person it is really neat! Especially listening to the birds sing and chirp to each other. Have your kids note their small beaks, how fast they move and their beautiful colors.
Please note that the adoption room has limited open hours, so if you are really interested in visiting the cats, be sure to call ahead for open times and hours. This is the schedule that was up when we visited, and is probably pretty reliable.
If you have a pet dog, your kids will probably love picking out a few treats to take home. It’s like a candy store for dogs!
I promised I would save the best for last, and I did. You can’t leave the store without visiting the “Please Touch Stingray Tank”. Why go all the way to the Baltimore Aquarium or New Jersey Aquarium when you can touch a stingray right here in Lancaster, PA? Amazing! (Obviously you’ll see a lot more at an aquarium, but you have to admit, this is a pretty neat experience your kids can have for completely FREE right here in Lancaster County!)
Just reach your hand in, and pet their back. Sometimes they’ll swim away, but kids still love to get their hands wet.
And on your way out of the store, don’t miss a huge selection of super-cute animal cards. Your kids can also say good-bye to one more fish tank (this is a great distraction for your kids if you’re waiting to check out).
That Fish Place, That Pet Place is located along Centerville Road just off the Route 30 exit. It is next to Isaac’s Restaurant and Deli. Also nearby is Centerville Diner (which often has a 50% off Local Flavor deal available!)