I found another hidden secret—a bulk foods store that I’ll be adding to the Discount Grocery Stores in Lancaster County list.
S&S Bulk foods offers quality, health-filled food varieties at reasonable prices. The store features a wide selection of gluten-free and organic foods, focusing on offering bulk quantities.
You’ll find rice flour, coconut sugar, quinoa, barley, oats, gluten-free items, vinegar infused drinks and dressings, natural and organic fruit juices, trusted brands for honey, olive oils, preserved foods and dozens of Bob’s Red Mill products.

S&S Bulk Foods is located at the Ephrata Business Center (former Moyer Building), near the intersection of Rt 322 and Rt 272.
They are open 9am-4pm, Tuesday through Thursday as of March 21, 2020, as well as Saturday mornings til about 12noon.