4 Ways to Save on Sight & Sound Theater Tickets
Did you know that Lancaster County residents can receive discounted tickets to Sight & Sound? I never knew until recently that the discount also applies to those who work in Lancaster County.
Here are 4 coupons, discounts and savings for tickets to Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster County, PA.
1. Local Discount
Anyone who lives (or works) in Lancaster County is eligible to purchase discounted tickets ($30 for adults and $15 for kids). You must purchase your tickets on the day of the show, at the theater. You can purchase your tickets in the morning for any show later in the day.
I always check the seating chart before I leave. If there are plenty of open seats, then I typically feel confident that there will be discounted tickets available for local residents.
2. Filming Discount
Near the opening season of a new show, you can often find cheap tickets (I think around $20/ticket), to view the show while they are doing the filming for their DVD. Friends of mine have done this and loved it! Sometimes a scene needs to be repeated so they redo the scene to film it again, and you sit through that scene twice.
The best way to know when these filmings will be is to watch their Facebook page.
3. Work at Local Tourist Attractions
I learned this tip recently because a friend of mine works at a Lancaster County restaurant as a waitress. She is eligible to receive 2 tickets for just $10 to each Sight and Sound show. The program is in correspondence with any local business that is involved in the visitors bureau (if you work for one of these businesses, you probably already know about this discount).
You have to go to Sight & Sound and show your paycheck to get your tickets in person (no calling in), but if I understand correctly, you can get tickets for any date in the future, not just shows on that day.
4. Sight & Sound Employees
If you are privileged enough to know someone who works at Sight & Sound, they are often able to obtain discounted tickets for you, sometimes at an even better rate than the discount available to local residents.
Full price tickets can be bought online, or you can call their box office at (800) 377-1277 between 8:30am and 5pm. Shows are at 11am, 3pm and 7pm, depending on the day. No performances are held on Sundays or Mondays.
Jesus Shows until October 5, 2019!

This is Katie. She found Frugal Lancaster when she was looking to move to Lancaster County. I clearly remember answering a Facebook message and email from her, and corresponding back and forth for a little, sharing tips and things to do in the Lancaster County area.
Fast forward several months and we randomly discovered that we now attend the same church!
We had the privilege of enjoying a double-date with her and her husband at Sight & Sound. It was extra special to enjoy the show with friends who had not previously experienced this unique theater! Not many expect to go to the theater and have animals running past you in the aisles and birds flying above you!
Friends are so important. I am so thankful for our new friends and how we’ve instantly connected. Between May and June, five different friends told me they were moving away. Part of me experienced incredible grief, but another part of me was so excited because I knew we would have opportunities to make new friends.
I never dreamed that my blog would bring me new friendships like it has and I am so glad it included this wonderful couple!
I hope this inspires and encourages you to make time for friends as you plan out your next few weeks. Invite a family over for dinner, plan a double date night, or give someone you haven’t talked to in awhile a call. It’s 100% worth the effort!
I wasn’t allowed to take photos during the show, but I did share some photos and video on my Instagram Stories. View my saved Sight & Sound Story to get an inside glimpse at the theater. Plus here are some photos taken by Sight & Sound that really capture the beauty and essence of what you’ll experience at the show! It is truly captivating!!

Jesus shows until October 5, 2019 and then they’ll start showing the Miracle of Christmas on November 1, 2019.
Remember these 4 Ways to Save on Sight & Sound tickets, as your planning your visit and theatrical experience!
A special thank you to Sight & Sound Theatres for the complimentary tickets we received in compensation for this post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
You might also be interested in a post we wrote a few years ago on Tips for Taking Your Kids to Sight & Sound Theater.