Looking to take a hike in Lancaster County? Here are over 30 favorite hiking trails in Lancaster County, with difficulty and length noted. These trails are mostly dirt or grass paths, and in wooded areas with slight-mid inclines, a few at the difficulty level.
Full Google map is included at the end of the post. You may also be interested in my 50+ Walking Trails in Lancaster County post that features paths good for walking, strollers and bicycles.
In the past year, my family has enjoyed many hiking trails in Lancaster County. I have taken photos and had every intention of doing blog posts on all of them but my busy schedule kept me from it. I’m thankful to God that He prompted me to take all those photos, because now I have the time!!
I’ll be adding links for many of these hikes, with separate blog posts for each one with an in-depth look at the trail and our family experience. Woohoo, I’m so excited! What are you excited about and celebrating today?
North and East Trails
Money Rocks County Park
Narvon Road, south of 322
1/2 mile, dirt/grass, moderate to difficult hiking trail (also for mountain biking and rock climbing)
State Gameland No. 52
Edwards Road, Narvon
trail length varies, dirt/grass/wooded/difficulty varies
Chickies Rock County Park
River Road (Rt 441) north of Route 30
up to 1.5 miles, cinders/dirt, easy to moderate
Clayton B Shenk Trail
Short trail with many side trails, dirt, moderate
Lancaster County Central Park Trails
Chesapeake Street, Lancaster
download a hiking guide with all trails, photos and distances
10 trails up to 3.6 miles, dirt/grass, easy to difficult
Landis Woods Park
2369 Lititz Pike, Lancaster
0.3-1.5 miles per trail, dirt, easy to moderate
Read about our family experience on this trail.
Middle Creek – Conservation Trail
starts at the Visitor Center parking lot
about 1 mile, dirt/grass, moderate
Read about our family experience on this trail.
Middle Creek – Millstone Trail
Millstone Road, Ephrata
1.2 mile, dirt/grass, moderate
Read about our family experience on this trail.
Middle Creek – Valley View Trail
start at Laurel Drive to hike up to lookout point
about .5 mile round trip, dirt/grass, moderate
Read about our family experience on this trail.
Rannels-Kettle Run Nature Preserve
Dead end road south of Rt. 322
2 miles, dirt/grass, moderate
Speedwell Forge Lake
Rt 501 on Brubaker Valley Road
dirt/grass, easy
Speedwell Forge County Park
Speedwell Forge Road and Long Lane
1/2 mile, dirt/grass, moderate (also a longer trail)
Read about our family experience on Speedwell Forge Trail.
Turkey Hill Nature Preserve
Enola Low Grade Trail, Conestoga
3.1 miles, dirt/grass/wooded, difficult
Windolph Landing Nature Preserve
Lock Road, Lancaster
.75 miles, dirt/grass, moderate
South and West Regions
Bell’s Run Nature Preserve
117 South West Ave, Christiana
1 mile, dirt/grass, easy
(limited parking)
Ferncliff Nature Preserve
Wildlife Preserve Rd, Drumore
Length varies, dirt/grass, easy
Fishing Creek Nature Preserve
Fishing Creek and Fernglen Roads, Drumore
2.1 miles round trip, dirt/grass, moderate
House Rock Nature Preserve
House Rock Road, Pequea
length varies, dirt/grass, moderate to difficult
Kelly’s Run Nature Preserve
varied length, dirt/grass, moderate to difficult
(access from PPL’s Kelly’s Run Recreation Area)
Marctic Township Park
Marticville Rd, Pequea
length varies, dirt/grass/wooded, moderate
Millcreek Trail
Conard Road, between Lampeter Road and Windy Hill Road
1.5 miles, mulch, easy
Ray’s Woods Nature Preserve
Laurel Dr, Holtwood
0.8 miles, dirt/grass/wooded, moderate
Reed Run Nature Preserve
3.1 miles roundtrip, dirt/grass, moderate
Safe Harbor Nature Preserve
length varies, dirt/grass, difficulty varies
Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve
Green Hill Road, Conestoga
length varies, dirt/grass, easy
Shiprock Woods Nature Preserve
Shiprock Road, Willow Street
varied length, dirt/grass/wooded, moderate to difficult
Silver Mine Park
Silver Mine Road, Conestoga
2.3 miles hike and bike (macadam), 3.5 miles nature trails (dirt/grass), moderate
Steinman Run Nature Preserve
Stump Road, Hollywood
2.5 miles, dirt/grass, moderate
Susquehannock State Park
1880 Park Dr, Drumore
5 miles of trails, dirt/grass, varied difficulty
Theodore A. Parker III Natural Area
Wesley Road, Quarryville
1 mile, dirt/grass, moderate
Trout Run Nature Preserve
Stump Road, Pequea
up to 1.2 miles, dirt/grass, moderate
Tucquan Glen Nature Preserve
2.4 miles, dirt/grass/wooded, difficult
Wissler Run Nature Preserve
Wissler Run, Drumore
18 miles, dirt/grass/wooded, easy to moderate
I will likely keep adding to this post regularly, because there are many many many excellent trails in Lancaster County!