Looking for some new walking trails to visit? Here’s a list of over 50 walking trails in Lancaster County. The majority of these walking trails are paved and flat—perfect for walking, pushing strollers or riding bicycles. To find hiking trails, please visit my compiled list of 30+ Hiking Trails in Lancaster County.
The list of walking trails is categorized by region (click on the region to jump directly to it in this post):
- North East Lancaster County Walking Trails
- North West Lancaster County Walking Trails
- Central Lancaster County Walking Trails
- South West Lancaster County Walking Trails
At the end of the post is a link to the full Google map of the entire Lancaster County regions walking trails.
The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced that the public will still be able to access trails, lakes, forests, roads, and parking areas for passive and dispersed recreation, such as hiking.
“People will have access to state-owned open spaces to continue to enjoy the healthful benefits of recreation and being outdoors,” Dunn said. “However, as part of Pennsylvania’s mitigation efforts, all of the buildings at state parks and forests including the park and forest offices, and all restrooms will be closed, and all events and public educational programs are canceled.
“We encourage practicing distancing while enjoying open spaces including avoiding groups and crowds, and visitors should use the bathroom before they leave home,” Dunn said.
To help avoid exposure and still enjoy the outdoors: Adhere to the social spacing guide (minimum 6 feet) between people and don’t recreate in groups
Take hand sanitizer with you and use it regularly
Avoid touching your face, eyes, and nose
Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a tissue or flexed elbow
If you are sick, stay home
North East Lancaster County

Adamstown Grove Park
West Main Street, Adamstown Borough
1/2 mile, stone, easy
Brickyard Park
Mason Drive & Queen Street, Ephrata
1/4 mile, cinders, easy to moderate
Brubaker Park
Long Lane, south of Fivepointville
3 miles, dirt/stone/grass, easy to moderate
Dean L Saylor Park
183 Market Street, Lititz
0.61 miles and 0.34 miles, stone dust/paved, easy
Denver Memorial Park
Main Street, west of North Sixth Street, Denver
6/10 mile, macadam, easy
Elizabeth Township Community Park
116 E 28th Division Highway, Brickerville
1/2 mile, paved, easy
Ephrata Township Park
436 E Fulton St, Ephrata
1.5 to 2 miles, paved/cinders/grass/dirt, easy to moderate
Ephrata-to-Warwick Rail-Trail
7.1 miles, paved (some cinders), easy
Loyd H Roland Memorial Park
N 11th Street, Akron
3 miles, paved, moderate
Middle Creek Willow Point Trail
Kleinfeltersville Road, Newmanstown
1/2 mile out to Willow Point, cinders, easy to moderate
Reamstown Community Pool & Trail
68 Ream Road, Ephrata
1/2 mile, unpaved, easy
Snyder Community Park
Clay School Road, Ephrata
3/4 mile, paved, easy
Sylvan B Fisher Township Park Trail
Stone Quarry Road, Leola
(across from West Earl Community Park)
1/2 mile, crushed stone, easy
Terre Hill Community Memorial Park
210 Lancaster Ave, Terre Hill
1/4 mile, paved, easy
Thomas P. Grater Community Park
Cloister Ave, Ephrata
3/8 mile, paved, easy
Warwick-to-Ephrata Rail-Trail
7.1 miles, paved (some cinders), easy
Warwick Township Lions Park
20 Twin Brook Road, Lititz
paved, easy
Warwick Township Municipal Park
Clay Road, Lititz
0.62 miles, paved, easy
West Earl Community Park Trail
along Route 772, Brownstown
(across road from Sylvan B Fisher Township Park)
1/2 mile, paved, easy
North West Lancaster County Walking Trails

Bellaire Woods Nature Preserve
Prospect Road, north of Elizabethtown Road
0.8 miles, dirt/grass, easy
Bridle Path
Stirrup Lane, Marietta
.5 miles, macadam, easy
Chickies Rock County Park
River Road (Rt 441) north of Route 30
up to 1.5 miles, cinders/dirt, easy to moderate
Conewago Recreation Trail
2385 N. Market Street, Elizabethtown
Conoy Creek Park Trail
River Road, Bainbridge
gravel, easy (walking path across River Road)
East Petersburg Community Park
Pine Street, East Petersburg
2.75 miles, paved, easy
Elizabethtown Borough Park
S. Mt Joy Street, Elizabethtown
1/2 mile, paved, easy
Glatfelter Park
1249 Lancaster Avenue
1/4 mile track, cinders, easy
Grubb Lake Trail
Hempfield Hill Road, Columbia
1 mile hike circling the lake, dirt/grass/wooded, moderate
Lancaster Junction Recreation Trail
Champ Blvd off Rt 283 near Landisville
2.5 miles, cinders, easy
Lloyd H Fuhrman Memorial Park
190 Rock Point Road, Marietta
1 mile, gravel, easy
Manheim Veterans Memorial Park
15 E High Street, Manheim
.25 mile, cinders, easy
Northwest Lancaster County River Trail
Decatur St, Marietta to Koser Park, Bainbridge
14 miles, paved/cinders, easy
Riverfront Park
551 Vinegar Ferry Rd, Marietta
1.7 miles, dirt, easy
Swan Park
East Stiegel Street, Manheim
400 feet, rubber pavers, easy
Central Lancaster County Walking Trails

Conestoga Greenway Trail
1.3 miles, paved, easy
Conestoga Memorial Park
Lock Road, Lancaster
2 miles, paved, easy
D.F. Buchmiller County Park
Buchmiller Park Dr, Lancaster
1/2 mile, dirt/grass, easy
East Lampeter Township Park
2330 Hobson Road, Lancaster
1.5 mile, paved, easy
Freedom Memorial Park
100 Municipal Dr, Millersville
1 mile, asphalt pavement, easy
Greider Park
306 Dickinson Ave, Lancaster
0.7 mile, paved, easy
Herr Park
Ironstone Ridge Road, Lancaster
.88 miles, paved, easy
Lititz Spring Park
24 N Broad Street, Lititz
.25 mile, paved, easy
Manor Township Community Park
Charlestown Road, Lancaster
0.6 mile, paved/unpaved, easy
Maple Grove Park
Columbia Ave, Lancaster
short trail along creek, gravel, easy
Northwest Corridor Linear Park
W Lemon Street, Lancaster
1/2 mile, paved, easy
Olde Leacock Vil Park
Apricot Ave, Leola
Less than 0.2 mile, quarry dust surface, easy
Overlook Park
Lititz Pike, Lancaster
varied trail lengths, macadam, easy to moderate
Villages of Springton Valley Trail
end of Sylvan Road, Lancaster (East Hempfield Township)
1.25 miles, paved, easy
South East Lancaster County Walking Trails

Christiana Lions Community Park
Bridge St, Christiana
1/4 mile, paved, easy
East Lampeter Township Park
2330 Hobson Road, Lancaster
1.5 mile, paved, easy
Huffnagle Park
Oak Lane, Quarryville
1/4 mile, paved, easy
Intercourse Community Park
3730 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gordonville
less than 1/2 mile, paved, easy
Paradise Community Park
London Vale Road, Gordonville
4800 feet, paved, easy
Salisbury Township Community Park
750 White Horse Road, Gap
up to 1 mile, paved, easy
Strasburg Community Park
Precision Ave, Strasburg
1 mile, crushed stone, inner path easy, outer path difficult
Village Park
Village Road, Lampeter
3/4 mile, paved, easy