Over the years, I’ve recorded a lot of our family’s favorite recipes on this blog, mostly just for fun and as an easy way for us to access our favorites, as well as share them with you.
Last week I compiled a list of our 10 Favorite Frugal Lancaster Recipes, which inspired this week’s post. A collection of our 10 Favorite Frugal Lancaster Desserts—straight from Lancaster County. Enjoy!
10 Favorite Frugal Lancaster Desserts
Apparently our family likes desserts. More than half the recipes I've shared on this blog, are served for dessert! Wow. But they are delicious. Enjoy!
Amish Hats {A Simple After-School Snack Idea}
Such a fun snack idea for kids, and simple and quick for moms too. Ritz cracker on the bottom, then some peanut butter and a half marshmallow on top. Bake in the oven for just about a minute to melt that marshmallow. Cute and delicious.
No-Bake Energy Bites: A frugal, fun snack idea to make with kids (and toddlers too!)
Another terrific recipe to make with kids. Completely safe for them to touch and if they get it in or near their mouth you don't need to freak out!
This simple recipe just mixes together peanut butter, oats, chocolate chips or raisins and some other ingredients. Then the kids can help you roll them into balls and put them on a tray. Freeze them and then eat them!
My favorite simple summer potluck dessert with graham crackers, pudding and chocolate frosting!
My grandma made this dessert recipe every summer. I absolutely adored it and so did all my cousins. I only make it about once a year now because its so rich, but its still a favorite that I crave once a year.
Frozen Yogurt Bites: A Healthy Simple Snack You Can Make With Kids (and toddlers too!)
These are such a fun and healthy snack to make with kids, especially toddlers. Its simple, and a little messy depending on the child, but easy to clean up!
Just choose some fresh fruit, dip them in yogurt, and then roll them in crushed corn flakes, and freeze. So much fun!
Our Favorite Snow Day Activity plus Recipe for Apple Fritters with Drizzled Glaze
While this is a recipe we usually made in the winter, its really a fun and easy recipe to make any time of year that you have access to apples. So easy and so fun—kids especially love drizzling the glaze on top.
Sensational Peanut Butter Fat Bombs {Improvised!}
Peanut Butter Fat Bombs. Enough said.
Rhubarb Crunch Recipe: Simple Enough to Make With Kids
Its a sure sign of spring when those first Rhubarb shoots come up. I love this recipe from the Mennonite Cookbook because its so simple. I always hope for left overs but we usually eat it all in one sitting.
Marshmallow Peanut Popcorn: Easy Enough to Make With Kids (and toddlers too!)
A fun simple snack idea that the kids can help make. We can call it dessert because it has marshamllows in it, right?
Cranberry Walnut Pie {A Holiday Season Warm Recipe Treat}
The minute I saw this pie recipe in a Bon Apetit magazine, I knew it would be delicious. But then I took a bite and as it melted in my mouth, I knew it was even better than I had ever anticipated it would be. This is a must-try recipe for sure!
Christmas Morning Cranberry Orange Muffins {Our New Favorite Christmas Morning Tradition}
I know this technically might not be a dessert, but these things are amazing and in my opinion, can be eaten any time of the year!