This Summer the Center for Creative Exploration (CCE) is offering a buffet of diverse opportunities for weeklong and multi-day youth art classes on the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design campus and beyond. Students in grades 1-9 have the opportunity to piece together morning and noon classes along with a selection of intergenerational classes for the whole family. A mixture of classes and subject matter is offered in each timeslot, allowing students to curate an experience unique to their interests. The daily schedule allows time for supervised lunches and snack breaks on campus between classes.
A selection of partnered youth camps also offers families an opportunity to experience more of what Lancaster City arts has to offer. From Making to Museum kicks off in Week 1 in partnership with the Lancaster Museum of Art. This new camp where students will mine the permanent collection of Lancaster Museum of Art for inspiration and to learn a bit about museum studies. Ultimate Art Camp with Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen for Week 2 and Week 4 returns with a crafting lineup of fine art exploration, glassblowing, needle felting and more.

Apart from foundational classes in painting, drawing, sculpture, and printmaking, this summer features diverse and bite-sized offerings such as:
- From Making to Museum for Grades 2-6 a partnered Art Camp with Lancaster Museum of Art
- Exploring Puerto Rico: Masks and Music for Grades 1-3 with actress and artist Kathy Rodríguez
- Animal & Specimen Drawing for Grades 4-7 with illustrator Jessica Steigelman
- Clay Creations for Grades 1-4 with instructor Lisa Wilson
- Fundamentals of Photograph for Grades 7-9 with photographer Adam Leitzel
- Urban and Public Art for Grades 7-9 with artist Adam Serrano
- Peacocks Esports Camp for Grades 7-10

In addition to grade specific classes, we also have a big selection of intergenerational studio classes that welcome students of almost any age. These classes meet once a week in the early evenings and offer a unique opportunity for siblings, grandparents, neighbors, parents, and friends that cross generations to create together! Options include:
- Intergenerational Studio: Ages 11 – Adult: Botanical Watercolor with Jessica Steigelman
- Intergenerational Studio: Ages 11 – Adult: Observational Drawing with artist Zack Cade Wilkinson
- Intergenerational Studio: Ages 12 – Adult: Illustration and Cartooning with artist Zack Cade Wilkinson
- Intergenerational Studio: Ages 8 – Adult: Collage Exploration with artist Nichole Madonna
Registration is open now at www.pcad.edu/cce and a complete week-by-week schedule can be found here: https://pcad.edu/creative-exploration/young-artist-schedule/. Scholarships are available. For more information contact ce@pcad.edu.
The Center for Creative Exploration at PCA&D offers creative experiences for adults, high school students, and children in grades 1-9. Its goal is to provide community education for enthusiastic beginners and aspiring professionals, as well as both credit-bearing and non-credit class options occurring throughout the year on evenings and weekends, both online and in person. Current class listings can be found at pcad.edu/cce.
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design is a private, non-profit college offering BFA degrees, certificates, and curricula that enable students of all ages and backgrounds to pursue art as their life’s work. PCA&D prepares graduates to create influence through adaptive thinking, effective making, and a commitment to social justice. With visual, verbal, and virtual communication increasingly valued in a diverse and global society, the PCA&D experience centers around thinking, making, and communicating.